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Chiweed Cannabis in Thailand Review: Chi weed PGR

Review: Chi weed PGR




    Hello World and Weed Smokers,
    Dont go to Chi Weed! They selling you Weed all with PGR contaminated. Its dangerous and the risk youre getting cancer is very high. Dont fall in the trap of their labels. All labeled as organic weed, its not! Hands off.
    As they sold me couple Grams of that laced weed i got headache from it and felt bad. After complaining, the CEO (a Thai Dude) he pushed me out his store by saying stupid pharrang girl (guess he´s racist) and he didnt want to give me money back. He said its all organic and i would lie. I guess he knows exactly he selling chemical weeds..
    hope this store goes broke, we need good organic weed and right next to chi weed you will find it

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